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Building work begins on new Boston solar park

FCC Environment, one of 18 leading employers behind Energy & Utilities Jobs, and Low-carbon generator Infinis have commenced construction of a new landfill solar park in Boston, Lincolnshire.

Once completed, Boston Solar Park will generate around 11 megawatt hours (MWh) of renewable energy each year. That’s enough electricity to power around 2,500 homes.

The 31-acre site is being built in line with Environment Agency-approved methodologies.

To support biodiversity on the project, Infinis plans to:

  • Introduce a range of new, high-value habitats, including coastal meadow grassland, native woodland, and native scrub with a diverse mix of species
  • Provide enhanced nesting and foraging opportunities for birds
  • Provide refuge and breeding opportunities for reptiles and amphibians, including the provision of safe spaces for them to hibernate over winter
  • Re-locate orchids, ensuring that they are not harmed.

To protect the existing landfill cap engineering, a large proportion of the solar foundations will be above ground and use recycled aggregate.

The solar park is due to energise in June 2024. Ethical Power is the principal contractor for the development, with National Grid Electricity Distribution delivering the grid works.

“Combining our considerable land supply, and Infinis’ solar energy expertise, we can develop an industry leading partnership to provide much needed renewable energy to help the UK realise its Net Zero ambitions.”

“By repurposing backfilled landfills, we can give new life to land that would be unsuitable for housing and other uses, ensuring it makes a positive contribution to the UK.”

– Chris Ellis

Director of Operations FCC Environment

“This site is more than double the size of our Winterton project, which was successfully energised earlier in the year.

“By providing renewable electricity to the local grid infrastructure, Boston Solar Park will contribute towards the UK Government meeting its Net Zero ambitions, as well as its targeted five-fold increase in solar generation by 2035.

“This is our latest venture with FCC Environment to develop a portfolio of solar energy projects on UK landfill. With a significant number of other sites moving through the planning process, we look forward to continuing our positive partnership.”

– Andrew Leeding

Director of Development and Construction Infinis

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