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Jersey Electricity join Energy & Utilities Jobs

The Jersey-based energy company join 18 other leading industry collaborators for sector attraction

We are pleased to announce that Jersey Electricity have now become sponsoring members of Energy & Utilities Jobs (EUJ).

EUJ is a sector attraction initiative which includes a jobs board, providing people looking for careers within energy and utilities with a central place to find new roles, apprenticeships, and information about working in the sector.

It is led by a collaboration of 19 leading organisations, and seeks to improve engagement with hard-to-reach and underrepresented groups such as women; people from a Black, Asian, or other minority ethnic background; people with a disability; and those aged 16-24.

Jersey Electricity provide importation, generation, transmission, and distribution services for electricity to around 50,000 domestic and commercial customers on the island of Jersey. Keen on doing their bit for net zero, of the electricity they supply, currently around 95% is low-carbon

Jersey Electricity are also members of Energy & Utility Skills, who are the skills voice of the energy and utilities sector.

With EUJ, they will be showcasing their career opportunities and job roles through the dedicated energy and utilities sector jobs board.

We are thrilled to be supporting the Energy & Utilities Jobs project.
There are huge advantages to us being able to share our positions directly with people looking for or looking to further their careers in the sector.
– David Crossland
Head of Organisational Development at Jersey Electricity

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