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New Energy & Utilities Jobs Website Launched

New website enables quick access to careers information and over 500 jobs every month.

Today [Tuesday 13 April] sees the launch of a new website for Energy & Utilities Jobs, the platform dedicated to raising awareness of career opportunities in the energy and utilities sector. The site reflects the ever-evolving nature of industries in the sector, offering insights into career paths from real people – including apprentices, graduates and professionals – plus a gateway to current live roles.

The team behind the project analysed user data from the previous Energy & Utilities Jobs site to design a new, improved experience. The new site is even more accessible and user-friendly, bringing to life the stories behind the people making a difference in the energy and utilities sector.

With 3 out of 4 visits to Energy & Utilities Jobs coming from mobile devices and tablets, the new site goes beyond just being mobile compatible and becomes mobile focussed. Each individual story, career path, company profile and sector summary is presented in an engaging format, tailored to the way you choose to view the site.

The new site responds not only to the ever-changing sector, but to the wider changes in the UK labour market. A year ago, the market was very tight. Since then, the impact of COVID-19 has resulted in higher unemployment rates, now at 5%, and has caused redundancies to reach a record high during September-November 2020. Viewing active job listings on the site has never been easier. The new website keeps it simple and reduces the number of clicks you need to access current roles.

Energy & Utilities Jobs is a collaboration of over 15 leading organisations, all working to support the Workforce Renewal and Skills Strategy for the sector. Two of the key priorities of this strategy are building recognition of the sector among the UK public and inspiring the next generation to a career within the energy and utilities sector. This new website works even harder to reach groups of people that are currently underrepresented in our sector, including women, people from a Black, Asian or other minority ethnic background, people with a disability and those aged 16-24. As a sector, we are making progress in becoming more diverse and inclusive and we won’t stop until we truly reflect the communities we serve.

There is a place for you here. Explore our new website to find out more.

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